Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Steampunk Rifle update

I've made some progress with my steampunk rifle, some good progress. I feel like I could have shaved off a day or two but school work gets in the way sometimes. I have the high poly completely finished and right now I'm working on the retopo. It's shouldn't take more than a day to finish that and the UVs. If I'm lucky I'll get the bakes done tomorrow too, we'll see how productive I can be...

This is the only project I'm working on at the moment but by this time next week it should be completely finished. I may take a break from creating assets and start learning some new programs. I mentioned last week I was playing around with Word Machine and I intend to dive further into it once I have this finished. It's nice creating assets that actually look halfway decent and I think these last three pieces could be portfolio worthy with some touch-ups. I know that the more I create, the better I get so in time I will definitely come back to the helmet and totem pole to give them the attention they need for showing off.

Here are a few snapshots of my rifle I took inside of Maya:

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