Monday, September 14, 2015

Subway Blockout

For the past week I've been working on my blockout for my Subway scene that I will start next month. Right now I've only got the meshes in there with all the materials and textures set up. That way when I start this scene next month I can start working on the finer details. I've put quite a lot of time in this but I keep finding issues as I work on it.

My biggest concern is scale and proportions right now. I see a couple of issues already like the arches on the left of the first image need to be a little less deep and a bit taller. Earlier I had the opposite issue and it seems that I went a little too far with it. But that's all part of the process I suppose. Tweak and tweak, and tweak some more. Also I messed up on the materials on the far back white wall. There is supposed to be a brick part on the bottom. Not sure how I missed that.

The second area isn't exactly part of my original concept but I did find some reference for it here:

This section is where the stairs lead to in the first image. I'm getting close but again there are still a few issues. I also must have accidentally scaled in my arch, you can actually see through it from this angle. Again not sure how I missed that. I'll fix it a bit later.

Next week I'll start working on that Montreal Victorian dining room and post that here.

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