Sunday, April 19, 2015


So I haven't posted in a few days mostly because I didn't have much to post. I was working just not on anything you can really see per se. I did make a few materials including a concrete, gold, and marble. They represent most of the colors I'm going for. The rest I have used masks with some fancy shader magic that I can now customize to my liking. I've also updated some of the geo in the scene. The biggest being the gold trim on the ground, the tiling mosaics on the wall, and the sun roof. I tend to work on one area for a while and move on. This keeps things fresh. It definitely helps when I'm trying to solve a problem and I get frustrated with whats happening. I just move on.

What I was really doing these past few days was texturing and fixing this robot for another project. I had a few geometry issues that needed to be changed for it to suit the animation but we're getting there. It's a shame though that I've spent a LOT of time building this thing but odds are likely that I won't ever put it on my portfolio. I looked at it as more of a learning opportunity though. Still not done but I'm hoping within the next month we'll have everything wrapped up.This image is actually almost a week old but the stuff that I have changed is slight, mostly just minor fixes to the shoulder and knee joint. I also added a jet pack to him but it's not textured yet.

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